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HTML5 in 10!

Hello Friends, it is a recap and I prefer it is not your first time with HTML.
Let's discuss some Topics. 10 different topics and you can check for more posts in my blog for HTML.

1. Block and Inline: 

  • Block-level elements begin on a new line, stacking one on top of the other, and occupy any available width. Example ( Paragraph) <div>
  • Inline-level elements do not begin on a new line. They fall into the normal flow of a document Example (Word) <span>
2. HTML comments start with <!-- and end with -->. CSS comments start with /* and end with */.
3. Use <strong> Tag to make your text bold (inline)
4. Use <i> Tag to make your text in italic (inline)
5. Use <em> for emphasizing

6. Building Structure

<header><nav><article><section><aside>, and <footer> elements.

and not just <div> and they help in structure. They are all block-level elements 

7. <Header> Vs <h1>Vs <head>: 

Both are inside the body section. <header> is a structural element as it is appeared. <h1>..<h6> To write heading lines. <head> is a section before <body> section used to write the website description, language, Keywords, developer..etc. 

8. Navigation:

 It helps to make a navbar.
<a href="/html/">HTML</a> |
<a href="/css/">CSS</a> |
<a href="/js/">JavaScript</a> |
<a href="/jquery/">jQuery</a>

9. <article>: 

We’ll often use the <article> element to mark up blog posts, newspaper articles, user-submitted content, and the like. (Display = Block) 

10. <article>, <section>, or <div>:

If the content is being grouped solely for styling purposes and doesn’t provide value to the outline of a document, use the <div> element. If the content adds to the document outline and it can be independently redistributed or syndicated, use the <article> element. If the content adds to the document outline and represents a thematic group of content, use the <section> element.

To be better in HTML Try to follow my posts every two days and apply it on your website. 
Think about the website you want to have and its features. You can even draw it on paper, then start designing it using HTML. 

If it is your first time you can search for everything and use W3school for virtual examples. So Long.



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