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My Story with Problem Solving

Hackerranck is a website full of problems that need to be solved by an algorithm or a data structure way.
I knew about it while studying the Programming course at my university. The website is usable and you will like to solve on.

My skills were so small and still, but I've reached 4 stars in the problem-solving path. which I'm so proud of. 

I've solved 60 problems in 3 months, which is good compared to my level in programming.
In my university, we learned how to code using Python 3 and I learned C, C++ on my own before.

Hackerranck is consists of more than a path. There is a language path like learning Java, Ruby, Python, and so on. There is also a chapter related to data and statistics. Finally, it has a problem-solving chapter. 

I think the biggest benefit I got from this experience that I don't need to fear before solving any problem also I don't mind taking more than an hour solving an easy problem. I always wanted to upgrade my way of solving, reading about problem-solving helped me and will help everyone in this path.

So, in this article, I will tell you three things. What the first and worst thing I did was. What the best thing was. what I recommend for you.

1. The first and worst thing to do: 

In the beginning, I've depended on my network, asking most of my friends about my solution and where is the problem in it. I was so afraid that I can't solve leaving all my dreams to be a computer engineer or feeling so stupid that I can't handle an easy problem. So, please it helps, but don't use it always. Thanks to Eng: Ahmed Ibrahim.

2. The best thing to do: 

After that, I met a friend called Fadi who encourages me to solve more problems. so, if there is a problem in front of me, I show him my code and we start to discuss it. That will give you friends before the mind and then you find that you have your own way of solving and you have an opinion about your work. In this stage, it doesn't matter how many problems you solve, but how much you take discussing them. It is so helpful, but not everyone can meet a person like him. 

3. What I recommend: 

This time, my friend got a lot of business and we couldn't discuss any problem anymore. So, I've tried to help myself in few steps:
1. I started the problem with high weight.
2. I read it well and look carefully at the inputs and the outputs.
3. I wrote the algorithm I'm gonna use on paper or computer.

4. I start searching for how to achieve that algorithm.
5. I've used Visualize Python tutor to help me know what is going on.
6. I wrote everything I learned on paper so I can't forget it anymore.

7. If there is no solution comes in my mind in two hours, I took a break and come back every 20 min.
8. finally, I may look at other's codes on discussing, but avoiding looking at the same language.

This was an effective way I hope everyone can try. Now, tell me what is your story with Hackerraanck. 


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