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My First year in CSE

I always wanted to be in Computer Science. I never tried to challenge myself in this area, too.
I felt like I always have this barrier not to go through it. I'm so happy that in the previous 4 months I pushed myself fast and strongly to go in this field. There is a lot of paths in front of me. 

I was afraid that most of the students around me in my department have skills more than me. They are so smart and hardworking, too. 

In these 4 months I've tried to: 

1. get 4 stars in problem-solving on Hackerrank

2. publish my first website on GitHub
3. edit my account on LinkedIn
4. start my program in frontend development on Coursera
5. take more than a course on C
6. Start a course related to computer architecture. 
7. Start reading about Deep Learning

But, How under quarantine I could do all of that. 

First of all, I knew how this is a competitive field. 
1. I put a counter to know how much time I have before graduation. 
2. I decided to focus on just one field for 8 months or less but discovering as much as I can in it.
3. I spend 1 hr every day to study this field. 

I've Picked frontend development to be my Career, So follow me to know more about my life. 


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