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 This one word could describe my life right now. I am writing this because of the last book I read talking about how to re-organize your life. 32 days ago, my dad has gone. In the beginning, I couldn't cry. Now, I can't stop crying about everything. Everything reminds me of him. His favorite stuff became my nightmare. I dream of him every day, too. One week from his death, I took my exams. I didn't remember how I did in them. I knew they were not how I supposed to do, but I am not aware of how I did. I wish I could have cried when he passed. I wanted to cry a lot but I didn't have the ability to face myself with the fact of his death.  He died between my shoulders. I just saw his color turned to yellow like how my grandpa seemed before death. I heard my brother told him some prayers that a person says before death and I just shouted at him to stop. I spent time squeezing his feet to make him shocked. I even talked to him, I said don't go, don't leave me, not now

Hobbies but no time!

Hi hi hi, It's been a long time since the last time here. I know I am probably not your model, besides writing my blog in English makes it not easy to scroll down.  Today I am talking about Hobbies and how to back to your hobbies while your schedule is crowded like a shit. 1. Know Your Hobbies      You need to list your favorite 10 hobbies and if you wanna try sth in the future related to this field     My 10 are [Walking, Dancing, Reading, Learning, Writing, Domino, Complete words, Sports, Problem Solving]     and I wanted to learn chess.  2. Get The Best 3 Out of Them     After listing your hobbies go rank them with stars, what your good at, and so on. Should we quiet any of the last 10? I don't think so.  3. You Just Need to Focus     I do like Dancing but I have no time to learn it. So, You put your hobbies and choose 1 or 2 to learn more about it. for example, the learnable hobbies from mine are [Dancing, Learning, Complete words, sports, problem-solving, Domino] Now, thin

How to upload your work on Github (Easy and Fast)

I had a problem with uploading any of my work on Github. Amr El-Naggar, A friend of mine, helped me to upload it fast.  Here we go! Consider this is the file I want to take some project from to upload on my Github:  Click on the bar to write sth new:  Write "cmd" to pop up your command shell Open your Github Profile > Repositories > New > write the name > Create Copy the URL  Back to your Command shell and write:  (only the first time)  git init git add . git commit -m "Any message to say what you have done in this commit" (only the first time)  git remote add origin xxxxxxxxx (replace xxx with the link of the repo, ex:  git push -u origin master if you edited any files: git add . git commit -m "Any message to say what you have done in this commit" git push -u origin master You can easily copy and paste the lines You have to see Done!  Check the uploaded Files:  Note: If you want to upload just one p