It is a simple Crash course or a summary of a course on Udemy.
If you want to know the basics of C. you would like to see it. It is not for the ultimate beginners. if it is your first time to code, you can search for everything. Don't forget it is just a crash course.
If you want to know the basics of C. you would like to see it. It is not for the ultimate beginners. if it is your first time to code, you can search for everything. Don't forget it is just a crash course.
In C Language. There is something called Compilation
preprocessing: putting some character like # to remove repetition by providing
functionality with inline files, omitting code and defining macros.
compiling: allows for C code to contain inline assembly instructions
Assembly: is used to translate the assembly instructions to object code.
Linking: o produce an executable program, the existing pieces have to be
rearranged and the missing ones filled in.
How to launch your first code in C
write vimnameofproject.c
press i to insert
write stdio.h
•4. write int main
your code here.
press escape, then ": wq"
then enter
type gcc nameofprogram.c -o nameofprogram
then ./ nameofprogram
Simple Code explanation
int >>> to define the variable, There is more than a type ( int for integer like 1 2 3. float for float numbers like 1.4, 0.5. double for both and more likely for float.) The difference between those three types not just in the sort of stored data but also in the memory capacity.
i, j, n >> are variables. It means you can store different numbers on it and change it anytime. It always takes the value of the last number put on it. There is sth else called Constant
(const) means you can't change it.
(const) means you can't change it.
printf>>> a build-in function. There is more than one, and you can build functions on your own. It also represents the output that will appear to the user.
scanf>> to take what the user will write and put it in the variable n.
%d >> to admit that the number is an integer.
&n >>to give an address to store the number. {“*” Operator is used as a pointer to a variable. Example: * a where * is a pointer to the variable a. & operator is used to get the address of the variable.}
For>> It is a loop, iterative way to do a task. There are two types of loops we can use.
For loop >> If you know the number of iteration or can consider it. While loop>> If you want your iteration to stop with a condition.
i = 1 >> to give i value equals to 1, i<=4 it is the condition needs to continue your iteration.
i++ means the increase in the variable i by 1 every time in the loop. j-- >> to reduce it by 1.
"Linkin Park ">> a string data. it writes it as it is.
printf("\n")>> to break the line.
return 0 >> to get no data at the end. If you are working on a function you can return some value. I recommend when you write your main function to depend more on print than the return.
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